So I didn't know what to blog in the last week other than my new kitten is crazy and loves to sit on my laptop keyboard so I can't possibly write anything. For example I have only written the first sentence and I have been waiting 30 minutes to carry on writing as Sheldon has been spread out over all the keys pressing god no's what.
Lets get to it!
1. I got my ears pierced aged 5 years old.
2. I have been dying my hair since I was 12.
3. I currently have 3 cats and 1 guinea pig.
4. My favourite shop is Topshop.
5. I hate mushrooms.
6. I was born on the 16th February 1993.
7. I can't play any sports but I love watching tennis, football, rugby and formula 1.
8. I'm incredibly clumsy.
9. I have 10 GSCE's and 3 A-Levels.
10. I suffer from Anxiety Disorder.
11. I can remember song lyrics after the second time of hearing a song.
12. I think I am an amazing singer but really I can't sing.
13. I will watch any type of film from any genre I'm not fussy.
14. My favourite song at the moment is Robin Thicke 'Blurred Lines'.
15. I used to collect Dream catchers.
16. I'm obsessed with anything Egyptian.
17. I can't stand when people have bad eyebrows.
18. I have based nearly every hair style I have had on Rihanna. From the video 'Shut up and Drive' onwards.
19. I love a good bubble bath with candles.
20. My favourite book is The Great Gatsby.
21. When I get a crush/mild obsession on an actor I will watch his whole catalog of films until I find a new obsession.
22. I spend most of my day on Youtube.
23. I love all makeup.
24. I find it hard to trust people, especially new people.
25. I've never been in a relationship.
26. I have to use an inhaler when I get a cold because I can hardly breathe although I am not asthmatic.
27. My favourite colour at the moment is black.
28. My thighs do indeed touch and always will, and too be honest I don't care.
29. Once I decide to do something e.g. change my hair colour I become impatient and can't wait so I end up doing it the next day.
30. I can stay in bed for hours I love sleep.
31. I have green eyes.
32. I have no tattoo's at the moment but I intend on getting a few in the coming years.
33. I have never joined a club in my life.
34. My favourite season is Autumn I love coldish weather.
35. I find rain really pretty and soothing.
36. I drink Coca Cola nearly everyday I love it.
37. I have a phobia of plasters (even typing it makes me vom).
38. I broke my arm in the first week of year 6.
39. I like to voice my opinion, even if it seems brutal.
40. I don't believe in secrets because once you have told 1 person its not really a secret anymore is it.
41. Roses are perfect.
42. I'm kinda shy if I don't know you but If were friends I come out of my shell a lot.
43. I find guys who smoke kinda hot but I would never touch a cigarette in my life.
44. I have been to Las Vegas twice and I'm only 20!
45. I have a fear of the unknown.
46. I have a mixed music taste thanks to my parents, so I am pretty open to new genres.
47. I have seen live Beyonce, Rihanna, Usher, Lady Gaga (twice), Steps, Paramore, X faxtor live tours, Radio City Live, etc. I love concerts.
48. I believe friends can become family. Not all family has to be blood.
49. I love nutella.
50. I support Liverpool Football Club.
Thank you for reading all of this, I would love to see your 50 facts.
Till next time
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Meet Sheldon
Yesterday me and my sister walked round to an old school friend as she was selling kittens and had one left! So I introduce to you all Sheldon (yes named after the character in The Big Bang Theory), he is adorable and tiny (maybe because he is only 7 weeks old)!!! He loves playing with feet and is very excitable, my other 2 cats are a little wary but that is understandable they should warm to each other soon. We are going to introduce him to biscuits soon so hopefully when he goes the toilet it isn't as nasty.
Till next time
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
New Obsessions!
Well I realize I haven't blogged in a while so I thought It was time for an update! As most people know I shaved all my hair off about 2 months ago and slowly but surely its starting to grow, but as I'm waiting for it to get to a cute length I decided to buy 2 wigs from Amazon. One of them (not pictured) is just a long blonde one which looks nice with a hat or beanie over the top as I always find synthetic wigs have funny unrealistic partings.
Then I saw this pink one, normally I wouldn't have bought this type of wig as it just looks like a party wig but this one has dark roots with the purple blending into the pink which I love. So I ended up getting it and loving it! Yes it's a bit unpractical and doesn't look natural at all but its fun and why not!
(brother of Alex) and even though I didn't know what It was about I thought I would give it a try! Well let me say I watched all 13 episodes in like 3 days, its totally weird but so good. I will be doing a review I think later this week!
Hair and face envy: Google Model Alena Shishkova she is stunning I want that platinum blonde hair!
Film coming out: Only Lover's Left. Starring Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston as a vampire!!! Holy S**t!!! I'm so excited, look at this sexualness (is that a word?)
Then I saw this pink one, normally I wouldn't have bought this type of wig as it just looks like a party wig but this one has dark roots with the purple blending into the pink which I love. So I ended up getting it and loving it! Yes it's a bit unpractical and doesn't look natural at all but its fun and why not!
Me and my cat Lily having snuggles!
I wish the wig was a lighter pink like in the darker pictures. Eyeshadow from a Kat Von D palette. Most of these pictures I'm just messing around and playing with the wig :)
Of course I had to repaint my nails. Here I used my new Rimmel Downtown Red with gold glitter.
I love that all the spring flowers are coming out so I decided to do a little bit of Spring cleaning starting with my bedside table. I now have enough room for my new egyptian statue and crystals. I also bought some flowers for the living room from the local florists.
I had all my friends come over at the weekend just for mainly a catch up. I love spending time with them and also we don't see each other as often as I would like so these little catch ups mean the world to me. Everyone was gone by about 1am except my friend Charley, we ended up spending the whole night chatting, laughing, singing (badly) and me ranting! It was hilarious and before we knew it, it was light outside and we had been up for 24 hours! I think we went a bit cuckoo and blanked out for a few hours but it was fun.
We said it was like a detox which I probably needed as my sleeping pattern is all up the wall! I ended up staying up till about 11pm that night as I had family round so I worked out in the end I had not slept for 36 hours! Lets just say I was pretty much a zombie the next day!
Here are some pictures Charley took :
The madness set in!
A failed attempt at sleeping top and tail as we couldn't stop laughing.
Charley wearing my ring! She now belongs to me!
Other Updates:
A must watch: I heard about the new Netflix series Hemlock Grove starring the beautiful Bill Skarsgard

Hair and face envy: Google Model Alena Shishkova she is stunning I want that platinum blonde hair!

That's it for today!
Till next time
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
April Favourites!!
So its that time of the month again, no I'm not talking about agonizing PMS but my April Favourites!! This month seems to have gone so fast and before I knew it my mum jetted off to Spain and me and my sister are left to bring in the month of May :)
So lets get to it!!!
April Favourites:
1. Lana Del Rey : As I am currently anticipating the new Great Gatsby movie I was so pleased that Lana Del Rey released the full song 'Young and Beautiful' after hearing a snippet of it in the trailer. I have loved her voice for years now and I'm so happy they chose her to be apart of the movie soundtrack as her voice fits so well with that era.
She also released 2 covers which are so perfect. Click here for 'Summer Wine'. Click here for 'Chelsea Hotel No2'.
2. Nail Art: As many of you know I love getting my nails done especially with Stiletto/Dagger acrylic tips. My sister applied them at home they I came into her college so she could be assessed on some nail art. Love them, need to decide what my next colour is going to be. If anyone is interested the colour is Mandarin Magic by Avon.
3. Healthy Eating: I have started eating more healthy at the end of April and I want to continue this into May. I'm not going to call it a diet because my body will just react and implode thinking it can't have any nice food. So instead of eating take outs and microwave meals I have been having salad with chicken or another meat/dish. For Breakfast I have been eating yogurt with granola, sultanas and some fruit today I had raspberries and strawberries! Yum!
4. Charity Shops/Thrifting: Don't worry I'm not going to mention Macklemore, but I love vintage stuff and as my mum has got her new record player working I am on the hunt for some vinyl's. Charity shops are great for finding little gems of either clothing/jewelry/books and ornaments. Don't forget to look in the sizes bigger than yours because you might find a print that you can use to make another piece of clothing.
5. The Vampire Diaries: Ok so I just watched the latest episode which is episode 20 called 'The Originals' and my love for Klaus has just doubled! I'm not going to ruin it for anyone who hasen't watched it yet but their is a big surprise and Klaus' little puppy dog eyes when he cries is adorable! Too many feels! Loving the second half of this season!
6. Candles and baths: The weather isn't too hot here in England and especially it gets chilly at night so a hot bubble bath always seems like the right thing to do most nights. I turn all the lights down, light lots of candles ( I need more) and relax whilst listening to some Jeff Buckley or Mazzy Star! Just perfect.
7. The Fifth Element: I forgot how much I love this film! It's a true classic especially in my family, it's my Dad and Sister's favourite film. If you haven't seen it what are you doing with your life.
8. Game of Thrones: Just finished season 1 finally and I love it so much. Daenerys is so beautiful and I can't believe her husband died, it was really sad but now she has Dragons so hell yeah!! Oh and I love Richard Madden who plays Robb Stark yum!!
9. Thor - The Dark World: Loki do I need to say more!
10. Hair: Finally its growing, In one month hopefully it can be a cute pixie cut!
April Misses:
I've had a pretty good month nothing has really been a miss with me so far. Maybe one!
1. I bought the Maybelline new Falsies mascara because everyone raves about it and to be honest their is nothing special for me its just a basic mascara. Good for separating lashes but not for length. Maybe it's just like that for me but I don't think I will re purchase it.
Tell me in the comments what your Hits and Misses were of April in the comments.
Till next time
So lets get to it!!!
April Favourites:
1. Lana Del Rey : As I am currently anticipating the new Great Gatsby movie I was so pleased that Lana Del Rey released the full song 'Young and Beautiful' after hearing a snippet of it in the trailer. I have loved her voice for years now and I'm so happy they chose her to be apart of the movie soundtrack as her voice fits so well with that era.
She also released 2 covers which are so perfect. Click here for 'Summer Wine'. Click here for 'Chelsea Hotel No2'.
2. Nail Art: As many of you know I love getting my nails done especially with Stiletto/Dagger acrylic tips. My sister applied them at home they I came into her college so she could be assessed on some nail art. Love them, need to decide what my next colour is going to be. If anyone is interested the colour is Mandarin Magic by Avon.
3. Healthy Eating: I have started eating more healthy at the end of April and I want to continue this into May. I'm not going to call it a diet because my body will just react and implode thinking it can't have any nice food. So instead of eating take outs and microwave meals I have been having salad with chicken or another meat/dish. For Breakfast I have been eating yogurt with granola, sultanas and some fruit today I had raspberries and strawberries! Yum!
4. Charity Shops/Thrifting: Don't worry I'm not going to mention Macklemore, but I love vintage stuff and as my mum has got her new record player working I am on the hunt for some vinyl's. Charity shops are great for finding little gems of either clothing/jewelry/books and ornaments. Don't forget to look in the sizes bigger than yours because you might find a print that you can use to make another piece of clothing.
5. The Vampire Diaries: Ok so I just watched the latest episode which is episode 20 called 'The Originals' and my love for Klaus has just doubled! I'm not going to ruin it for anyone who hasen't watched it yet but their is a big surprise and Klaus' little puppy dog eyes when he cries is adorable! Too many feels! Loving the second half of this season!
6. Candles and baths: The weather isn't too hot here in England and especially it gets chilly at night so a hot bubble bath always seems like the right thing to do most nights. I turn all the lights down, light lots of candles ( I need more) and relax whilst listening to some Jeff Buckley or Mazzy Star! Just perfect.
7. The Fifth Element: I forgot how much I love this film! It's a true classic especially in my family, it's my Dad and Sister's favourite film. If you haven't seen it what are you doing with your life.
8. Game of Thrones: Just finished season 1 finally and I love it so much. Daenerys is so beautiful and I can't believe her husband died, it was really sad but now she has Dragons so hell yeah!! Oh and I love Richard Madden who plays Robb Stark yum!!
9. Thor - The Dark World: Loki do I need to say more!
10. Hair: Finally its growing, In one month hopefully it can be a cute pixie cut!
April Misses:
I've had a pretty good month nothing has really been a miss with me so far. Maybe one!
1. I bought the Maybelline new Falsies mascara because everyone raves about it and to be honest their is nothing special for me its just a basic mascara. Good for separating lashes but not for length. Maybe it's just like that for me but I don't think I will re purchase it.
Tell me in the comments what your Hits and Misses were of April in the comments.
Till next time

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