Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014! This year has flown bye but has definitely ended on a high. I saw Nikkie Tutorials do this tag and I thought I would give it a go.
Looking Back:
1. Name 3 things you did this year that you're proud of? I am proud that I went for help with my anxiety problem. I am proud that I started to do things for myself. I got a new kitten called Sheldon which I am so happy I decided to get as he is beautiful and so cuddly.
2. Name 1 thing you would have done differently? I wish I would have been brave enough to go out there and joined a college course or got a job.
3. What was your biggest highlight of the year? (Other than Thor 2) Probably shaving my head, now I do moan about how long its taking for it to grow back but it really has given me a fresh start. It the healthiest it has ever been and now that I've done all the crazy hair things I can just keep it the colour I want and in good condition.
4. What was your favourite beauty product of the year? My L'oreal true match liquid foundation, its by far my favourite I have tried out. Its not to heavy on the skin and covers the redness in my face. I will continue to use it into next year.
5. What was your least favourite beauty product of the year? I don't think I have one, most of the products I tried were ones I read about in reviews.
6. Who do you want to thank for being amazing this year? My auntie Jan for being incredible and brave with everything she has been through. I love her to pieces and I couldn't be without her in my life.
1.What are the makeup/beauty resolutions you have for next year? I really want to keep up with clearing my skin. So I will be trying out lots of skin products oh and also drinking more water.
2. What are the fashion resolutions you have for next year? Maybe wearing less black (or more!)
3. What are your personal resolutions for next year? I want to get in better shape. I hate the word diet so hopefully I just want to tone up and start eating healthier.
4. Name 1 thing you want to check off your bucket list? I would love to go on a city break for a few days.
Till next time
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Homemade Mince Pies
Over the Christmas Holiday me and my mum decided to make mince pies for her to take into work for the baking competition. It was the first time we had ever made them and I think they turned out ok, they may not look professional but they tasted good and that's all that really matters! The pastry was a lot harder than we thought as you have to get it really thin and it kept getting stuck to the rolling pin. We also used a tree cutter to put on a few of them to make minced tarts which were also lovely.
What we did -
To make the pastry :
16oz self raising flour
8oz fat (4 of margarine, 4 of lard)
A little bit of egg and water
Mix all in a bowl
Roll out the pastry and use a glass to cut round circles for bottoms and lids.
A jar of mince meat (spoon a little into each pie)
Brush the top of the pies with egg before you put them in the oven.
Put in a preheated fan oven on 200 and just keep an eye on it until it looks golden.
Remember to leave them on a wire rack to cool down.
What we did -
To make the pastry :
16oz self raising flour
8oz fat (4 of margarine, 4 of lard)
A little bit of egg and water
Mix all in a bowl
Roll out the pastry and use a glass to cut round circles for bottoms and lids.
A jar of mince meat (spoon a little into each pie)
Brush the top of the pies with egg before you put them in the oven.
Put in a preheated fan oven on 200 and just keep an eye on it until it looks golden.
Remember to leave them on a wire rack to cool down.
Hope you all had a great Christmas spending it with your loved ones.
Till next time
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Homemade Christmas Gifts
So over the last few weeks I have stayed at my aunties to help her clean up before Christmas. Whilst I was there I helped her decorate her tree and she helped me make some Christmas gifts. Even though they are super sweet they are also incredibly cheap to make. You can put anything you want in these little parcels and they are great for family and friends.
Inside I put tea light candles and holders, some chocolate or haribo and a little beauty gift, I bought all of these from Wilkes and Avon. To wrap the gift I used some dark red netting material and snowflake cellophane which can be bought cheaply online. To tie it all together use some shiny ribbon and a cinnamon stick which smells divine. I love how they turned out and I'm so glad my auntie told me about these favors.
Inside I put tea light candles and holders, some chocolate or haribo and a little beauty gift, I bought all of these from Wilkes and Avon. To wrap the gift I used some dark red netting material and snowflake cellophane which can be bought cheaply online. To tie it all together use some shiny ribbon and a cinnamon stick which smells divine. I love how they turned out and I'm so glad my auntie told me about these favors.
The tree
Till next time
Monday, 9 December 2013
Instagram Post
I got an Iphone 5c in white in August of this year and of course with the many apps I had to get Instagram. So over the festive period I will hopefully be taking more pictures.
If you want to follow me go to :
Here are a few pictures I have taken so far. Excuse the many shameless selfies.
If you want to follow me go to :
Here are a few pictures I have taken so far. Excuse the many shameless selfies.
Makeup I did to go out shopping
Sunset on the Wirral
9 months of hair growth from shaven.
Avon window lights.
Our Christmas tree this year. I decided to decorate it red and gold, with roses and bows.
I'm planning on doing a few more posts before Christmas including a post on a little gift idea to make for friends or family.
Till next time
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Prisoners Review
Director: Denis Velleneuve
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Terrence Howard, Maria Bello, Melissa Leo, Paul Dano
Rating: 18/R
Plot: When Keller Dover's daughter and her friend go missing, he takes matters into his own hands as the police pursue multiple leads and the pressure mounts. But just how far will this desperate father go to protect his family? (Taken from IMDB)
My Thoughts: The first and only thing to start off with is this is possibly the best abduction/kidnapping stories I have ever seen. This film works so well on so many different levels, firstly the cast in every sense were incredible. They all pull out stellar performances. I mainly know Jackman from the X-men films and was worried I wouldn't see him other than being Wolverine. Within the first 20 minutes of the film you forget all about that and get so engrossed in his character and the film. The story is something that has been portrayed before but I have never seen it with this much raw emotion. At times I found myself not even knowing who the abductor was, it made me question what I thought I knew and it really makes the audience think 'would you do the same thing in that position?'. At times I was on the edge of my seat, sometimes hiding behind a pillow. This is a real gripping story told perfectly with this style of film. the pacing was good there were no moments I found myself wondering if I should go make a cup of tea.
The only downside I could say is possibly the length of the film, it is over 2 hours but if your someone like me who fully gets into a film then this wont be a problem. The cinematography is incredible and some scenes are perfectly put together, I have never seen any other films of Velleneuve but I certainly will be on the look out now. This is definite must to watch and one of my favourites to come out of this year.
Till next time
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Remember Remember . . .
Last night was the 5th November which only means one thing, Bonfire Night! Normally I end up going to my auntie and uncle's house to stand in the cold watching someone run back and forth to light fireworks. But this year my cousin Kate suggested we go out to a pub then Mere Park to watch a firework display.
I'm so glad I decided to go it was a lovely meal and one of the best firework display's I have ever seen. It was cold and muddy but so worth it. Hopefully we will do it again next year, and hopefully I will take my camera to get some pictures.

Till next time
Friday, 1 November 2013
October Favourites
The weeks leading up to Christmas are coming quick so I've been spending my days trying to save and get a few bits before the shops go mad. October was a good month, I managed to catch up with all my friends and even take a few trips out to places I thought I wouldn't be able to go.
Onto my Favourites:
1. I managed to keep a few penny's so I could buy myself out of my old contract because basically my Blackberry was crap. I really wanted the IPhone 5 but it was discontinued and replaced with the 5C. At first I didn't particularly like the colours but I opted for the white one as I thought I wouldn't get bored of it. I've had it for about 3 weeks now and I love it. Compared to every other phone its faster and just overall better, I even like the white outside. Oh and of course I now have Instagram, you can add me my username is heather_r237
2. My sister did my nails but this time with square tips as we didn't have any of my usual stiletto tips to hand. We rounded the edges a bit so then weren't pointy and my sister used white powder to give this effect. I really like them and they are pretty easy to do stuff with but I will forever love my long stiletto nails.
3. Songs that I am loving include Lady Gaga ft. R.Kelly 'Do what you want' - This song is so catchy and if all of her songs on ARTPOP have to same kick to them as this I know I will love it when it is released in November. Also Slim Shady himself has done another collaboration with none other than Rihanna and its really good, go check out 'The Monster' now!
4. Rihanna again. She is back with her River Island Fall/Winter collection which includes floral, tartan and velvet. It is released on November 7th but you can pre-order now. I love this collection a lot, the high neck tops and long coats are perfection for a stylish but practical fashion for this time of year.
5. Trailers!! I'm a big fan of the superhero genre and I have watched most of the Marvel and DC films but this month 2 trailers have been released and they look epic. I will definitely be seeing them when they are released.
6. Thor : The Dark World was released here in the UK last Wednesday and me, my mum and my friend Lucy went to the first showing at our local cinema and all I have to say is just go and see it. I loved the first Thor especially the character Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and this film is even better. The action scenes are great and don't overpower the whole film whilst their is a great humor throughout the whole film. One of the best films I have seen in a while.
7. American Horror Story : Coven has taken over this month on the TV for me. The classic cast is back but with the inclusion of greats like Kathy Bates to join in on the witchy series. I am also so glad Taissa Farmiga is back as she wasn't in the last series Asylum. Her character along with Evan Peters will always be Tate and Violet to me. You will get what I mean if you watched season 1. I can't wait to see how it all pans out. I even bought a black hat inspired of this season because 'on Wednesdays we wear Black'.
8. Megan Fox did a photo shoot a few years ago where she wore a black wig and looked incredible. I am loving this look and is definitely something I am going to try when my hair gets longer.
9. Finally the ending of every October is of course Halloween!! I have never really celebrated it but this year my aunties friend was having a party and I was invited. I got a Black wig earlier in the day and did a smoky eye with a dripping red lip. I was going for a vampire look but I couldn't be arsed with the fangs. I had a really good time with some of my family and my friend Charley.
Now for the Misses of October.
1. I had a cold for about 2 weeks and it was horrid. I still have a bit of a cough but thank god the worst of it is gone. As the weather is getting colder I hope I don't get anther one because that would ruin my favourite time of year.
2. My cat Bella has been missing for a few weeks now and I was pretty sure she was gone, but a few days ago we spotted her across the road. I am so happy she is ok but hopefully she will come home before it starts to snow.
That's it for October, November hopefully should be a good one!
My quote of the month: 'I'm not sure what I'll do, but - well,I want to go places and see people. I want my mind to grow. I want to live where things happen on a big scale'.
- F.Scott Fitzgerald
Till next time

Onto my Favourites:
1. I managed to keep a few penny's so I could buy myself out of my old contract because basically my Blackberry was crap. I really wanted the IPhone 5 but it was discontinued and replaced with the 5C. At first I didn't particularly like the colours but I opted for the white one as I thought I wouldn't get bored of it. I've had it for about 3 weeks now and I love it. Compared to every other phone its faster and just overall better, I even like the white outside. Oh and of course I now have Instagram, you can add me my username is heather_r237
2. My sister did my nails but this time with square tips as we didn't have any of my usual stiletto tips to hand. We rounded the edges a bit so then weren't pointy and my sister used white powder to give this effect. I really like them and they are pretty easy to do stuff with but I will forever love my long stiletto nails.
3. Songs that I am loving include Lady Gaga ft. R.Kelly 'Do what you want' - This song is so catchy and if all of her songs on ARTPOP have to same kick to them as this I know I will love it when it is released in November. Also Slim Shady himself has done another collaboration with none other than Rihanna and its really good, go check out 'The Monster' now!
4. Rihanna again. She is back with her River Island Fall/Winter collection which includes floral, tartan and velvet. It is released on November 7th but you can pre-order now. I love this collection a lot, the high neck tops and long coats are perfection for a stylish but practical fashion for this time of year.
5. Trailers!! I'm a big fan of the superhero genre and I have watched most of the Marvel and DC films but this month 2 trailers have been released and they look epic. I will definitely be seeing them when they are released.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
X-Men: Days of Future Past
7. American Horror Story : Coven has taken over this month on the TV for me. The classic cast is back but with the inclusion of greats like Kathy Bates to join in on the witchy series. I am also so glad Taissa Farmiga is back as she wasn't in the last series Asylum. Her character along with Evan Peters will always be Tate and Violet to me. You will get what I mean if you watched season 1. I can't wait to see how it all pans out. I even bought a black hat inspired of this season because 'on Wednesdays we wear Black'.
8. Megan Fox did a photo shoot a few years ago where she wore a black wig and looked incredible. I am loving this look and is definitely something I am going to try when my hair gets longer.
9. Finally the ending of every October is of course Halloween!! I have never really celebrated it but this year my aunties friend was having a party and I was invited. I got a Black wig earlier in the day and did a smoky eye with a dripping red lip. I was going for a vampire look but I couldn't be arsed with the fangs. I had a really good time with some of my family and my friend Charley.
I'm on the far right, then my cousin then my friend
1. I had a cold for about 2 weeks and it was horrid. I still have a bit of a cough but thank god the worst of it is gone. As the weather is getting colder I hope I don't get anther one because that would ruin my favourite time of year.
2. My cat Bella has been missing for a few weeks now and I was pretty sure she was gone, but a few days ago we spotted her across the road. I am so happy she is ok but hopefully she will come home before it starts to snow.
That's it for October, November hopefully should be a good one!
My quote of the month: 'I'm not sure what I'll do, but - well,I want to go places and see people. I want my mind to grow. I want to live where things happen on a big scale'.
- F.Scott Fitzgerald
Till next time

Monday, 7 October 2013
I Love Fall Tag!!
My sister composed this tag out of questions about this time of year.
1. What do you like about Fall?
I would say I love the weather, its my favourite time of year. The falling leaves and the colours are stunning.
2. What is your favourite type of accessory in the Fall?
Definitely my new fluffy black hat. It reminds me of a Russian hat and it is perfect for this time of year to keep my ears warm.
3. What type of clothing do you like to wear in the Fall?
Anything over sized for me. Normally big jumpers with black tights and some boots. Simple but comfy.
4. How does your Fall makeup change from your Summer makeup?
A dark lip is a must for this time of year. I have been loving Mac's Diva and Cyber, they are sultry and perfect with a simple or smoky eye.
5. Types of Jackets/Coats you wear in the Fall?
Layering is a must. Cardigans under coats or jackets is what I normally do. I wear a red mac coat when going shopping or going out. Other times I wear my camouflage jacket as its simple to wear with nearly all of my wardrobe.
6. Favourite Fall drink?
Hot Chocolate with marshmallows no question!
7. Favourite Fall candy?
Those Halloween lollipops, I love them so much!
8. Favourite thing to do in Fall?
Go on walks as the air is crisp and refreshing.
9. Brights or Neutrals?
Neutrals. I don't tend to wear many brights I normally stick with white,grey and black.
10. Describe your Fall image?
Black tights, Chelsea boots, Over sized tshirt/dress, big necklace, dark lips.
11. What Fall trend are you most excited for?
Dark nails are coming back this year and I can't wait. I love all the deep purple's and red's! Also Camouflage is back this year which is great as I have a few pieces already.
12. What is your favourite Fall beauty product?
Clear skin is a must when it gets colder. So I like to use my L'oreal skin perfection day moisturiser to keep my face looking fresh.
13. What is your favourite Fall scent?
Cinnamon and apple? Anything Christmassy! It gets me in the mood for the rest of the year and it smells divine.
14. What is your favourite Fall song?
Right now I am loving, Lady Gaga 'Sex Dreams' and Rihanna 'What Now'.
15. Favourite Halloween movie?
Halloween Town. Its a classic.
16. Favourite Fall food?
Roast dinners. Any comfort food!
17. What comes to mind when you think of Fall?
Perfection. Falling leaves, Christmas decorations start appearing in shops. Starbucks hot chocolate. Cuddling up on the sofa watching TV with the family.
Till next time
1. What do you like about Fall?
I would say I love the weather, its my favourite time of year. The falling leaves and the colours are stunning.
2. What is your favourite type of accessory in the Fall?
Definitely my new fluffy black hat. It reminds me of a Russian hat and it is perfect for this time of year to keep my ears warm.
3. What type of clothing do you like to wear in the Fall?
Anything over sized for me. Normally big jumpers with black tights and some boots. Simple but comfy.
4. How does your Fall makeup change from your Summer makeup?
A dark lip is a must for this time of year. I have been loving Mac's Diva and Cyber, they are sultry and perfect with a simple or smoky eye.
5. Types of Jackets/Coats you wear in the Fall?
Layering is a must. Cardigans under coats or jackets is what I normally do. I wear a red mac coat when going shopping or going out. Other times I wear my camouflage jacket as its simple to wear with nearly all of my wardrobe.
6. Favourite Fall drink?
Hot Chocolate with marshmallows no question!
7. Favourite Fall candy?
Those Halloween lollipops, I love them so much!
8. Favourite thing to do in Fall?
Go on walks as the air is crisp and refreshing.
9. Brights or Neutrals?
Neutrals. I don't tend to wear many brights I normally stick with white,grey and black.
10. Describe your Fall image?
Black tights, Chelsea boots, Over sized tshirt/dress, big necklace, dark lips.
11. What Fall trend are you most excited for?
Dark nails are coming back this year and I can't wait. I love all the deep purple's and red's! Also Camouflage is back this year which is great as I have a few pieces already.
12. What is your favourite Fall beauty product?
Clear skin is a must when it gets colder. So I like to use my L'oreal skin perfection day moisturiser to keep my face looking fresh.
13. What is your favourite Fall scent?
Cinnamon and apple? Anything Christmassy! It gets me in the mood for the rest of the year and it smells divine.
14. What is your favourite Fall song?
Right now I am loving, Lady Gaga 'Sex Dreams' and Rihanna 'What Now'.
15. Favourite Halloween movie?
Halloween Town. Its a classic.
16. Favourite Fall food?
Roast dinners. Any comfort food!
17. What comes to mind when you think of Fall?
Perfection. Falling leaves, Christmas decorations start appearing in shops. Starbucks hot chocolate. Cuddling up on the sofa watching TV with the family.
Till next time
Thursday, 3 October 2013
September Favourites
Autumn is here (finally) and we can all dig out our cozy jumpers, over sized cardy's and thick tights because no one will be seeing our legs for the next 5 months.
September was a fun month, I spent my time eating takeaways, seeing friends and celebrating my sister's birthday.
So lets begin with my Hits:
A new Disney film is on its way and its called Frozen! If you liked Tangled I think this is the film for you. Love the trailer and I'm really looking forward to this being released.
Second favourite is the film Mud. Its sort of a coming of age film for two boys who help a fugitive to escape bounty hunters after him and reunite him with his true love. It stars Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Paulson and Sam Sheppard to mane a few. Truly is an excellent film which I think will be up for a few Oscar nods next year. The stand out of the film for me was Tye Sheriden who plays Ellis one of the young boys who helps McConaughey's character. He stole the show for me and is defiantly going to be an amazing actor in years to come. Beware half way through this film you may cry, I never normally cry over films but this one got me. Go see it!
Another thing I have loved this month was The Mindy Project. They don't show it over in England yet I don't think, so I had to watch it online and I'm glad I did. If you like New Girl or any show about a 30 something looking for love this show is for you. I think the target audience is probably women who can relate to the same issues she goes through. It of course has a few laughs and is easy viewing. When I don't want to watch something heavy I watch this. Its fun and carefree and is fast becoming one of my favourite shows.
Lastly I am still in love with Rihanna's River Island Collection. I have been living in most of the clothes as they are so easy to throw on and still feel comfortable whilst stylish. Every time I go to wear hear extensions I always put on my G4LIFE hat, I love it. Cannot wait for more collections from her.
Speaking of Rihanna, if haven't seen her Pour it up video go watch it!!!! Its slutty but fantastic, she shows everyone who still rules the roost!
Lastly I am in love with my True Match minerals foundation in Golden Ivory. It has almost replaced most of my liquid foundations as its so easy to wear and gives you great coverage. I like how lightweight it feels and how easy it is to apply. I wear this most days, I think the only time I wouldn't wear it is if I really wanted a full coverage to last for many hours e.g. a party. When I run out I will defiantly be getting it again.
Misses of September
Firstly I love my animals but this month they have been driving me bonkers. It must be something in the air as they have been so annoying. I am forever cleaning up sick or cat poo! Not fun.
Secondly, yes my hair is obviously growing but personally I feel like its not getting any longer. I'm not expecting long hair in a month but I would like it to be a little longer so I could at least style it. As i'm growing it out its at the awkward stage of growing past my ears, so I am forever tucking it behind so it doesn't look a mess. Some days I just give up on trying to make it look presentable.
Here is a picture from the other day. This is 6 months of hair growth from shaven.
I'm looking forward to October as we will be fully in Autumn. I have also just received some Mac products so I will review them after I have tried them out.
Till next time
September was a fun month, I spent my time eating takeaways, seeing friends and celebrating my sister's birthday.
So lets begin with my Hits:
A new Disney film is on its way and its called Frozen! If you liked Tangled I think this is the film for you. Love the trailer and I'm really looking forward to this being released.
Second favourite is the film Mud. Its sort of a coming of age film for two boys who help a fugitive to escape bounty hunters after him and reunite him with his true love. It stars Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Paulson and Sam Sheppard to mane a few. Truly is an excellent film which I think will be up for a few Oscar nods next year. The stand out of the film for me was Tye Sheriden who plays Ellis one of the young boys who helps McConaughey's character. He stole the show for me and is defiantly going to be an amazing actor in years to come. Beware half way through this film you may cry, I never normally cry over films but this one got me. Go see it!
Another thing I have loved this month was The Mindy Project. They don't show it over in England yet I don't think, so I had to watch it online and I'm glad I did. If you like New Girl or any show about a 30 something looking for love this show is for you. I think the target audience is probably women who can relate to the same issues she goes through. It of course has a few laughs and is easy viewing. When I don't want to watch something heavy I watch this. Its fun and carefree and is fast becoming one of my favourite shows.
Lastly I am still in love with Rihanna's River Island Collection. I have been living in most of the clothes as they are so easy to throw on and still feel comfortable whilst stylish. Every time I go to wear hear extensions I always put on my G4LIFE hat, I love it. Cannot wait for more collections from her.

Misses of September
Firstly I love my animals but this month they have been driving me bonkers. It must be something in the air as they have been so annoying. I am forever cleaning up sick or cat poo! Not fun.

Here is a picture from the other day. This is 6 months of hair growth from shaven.
I'm looking forward to October as we will be fully in Autumn. I have also just received some Mac products so I will review them after I have tried them out.
Till next time
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Happy Sunday :)
The sun has gone in and the sky has a pink hew, looks like tomorrow is going to be another glorious day. You wouldn't think it was Autumn. I'm sitting here catching up on the Singapore GP tired as hell as my body decided last night it didn't want to sleep. As you can tell I look like I haven't slept in about 5 years by the picture I took last night.
Today has been nice even though I haven't been able to stop yawning.
We went to a garden center just for a browse and some inspiration as to what flowers to plant for next year. Christmas decorations were starting to come out which is mad but I suppose people like to get things early.

Oh and here is my new dress and hat (and extensions) from River Island, the Rihanna collection. I love it.
As many people know my girl crush is Rihanna, currently she is in Thailand and seriously how stunning does she look. Oh and she has just recorded the 'What Now' video which hopefully should come out soon. If you haven't heard the song, go listen to it!
Till next time

We went to a garden center just for a browse and some inspiration as to what flowers to plant for next year. Christmas decorations were starting to come out which is mad but I suppose people like to get things early.
So when I can't sleep I practice makeup and take shameless selfies (and delete nearly all of them).

Oh and here is my new dress and hat (and extensions) from River Island, the Rihanna collection. I love it.
As many people know my girl crush is Rihanna, currently she is in Thailand and seriously how stunning does she look. Oh and she has just recorded the 'What Now' video which hopefully should come out soon. If you haven't heard the song, go listen to it!
Till next time
Friday, 6 September 2013
Late Summer Haul
So the other day I went to my local shopping outlet and bought myself a few items that I thought I would review for you.
Other news is I got my ear pierced again (the outer one), I didn't actually hurt but I don't want to start moving it for a few days. I really love this piercing and don't know why I waited so long to get it.
I love getting new piercings and I really want my nose done either on the side or my septum. I like the really small thin rings but I know you have to wait till it is healed to change it. I'm still deciding what to do.
The new Dior ad's have been revealed and Jennifer Lawrence looks incredible. I'm happy she is wearing minimal makeup because she looks stunning. These are my favourite 2 pics of the campaign.
Till next time
1. L'oreal Paris Skin Perfection Day Moisturiser - I needed a good moisturiser to minimise my pores especially around the nose area. This product is very smooth and sinks into the skin very easily, the only downside is that it has a noticeable fragrance (which I don't mind). The price is also very reasonable at only £9.99 which I was surprised at because L'oreal normally isn't that cheap. So I am very happy with my purchase.
2. L'oreal Paris Skin Perfection Cleansing Wipes - I use wipes all the time to take off my makeup before I wash my face, so I thought I would try the new skin perfection range. These took off my makeup really easily and felt soft on the face.
3. Revlon ColorBurst Lipgloss in Embellished - I saw this on an advert on Emma Stone and loved it. Its a dark purply/brown colour that gives you a high shine finish. I'm not a huge lipgloss fan but this doesn't feel sticky on the lip and I think it would look great with either a dark smoky eye or hardly any makeup with just thick brows.
4. Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Wild Orchid - I swatched this colour in the shop and fell in love. Opening the lid it looks like a purple but putting it on its more of a iridescent pink. Its a beautiful colour and stays on for hours. I recommend this colour to anyone looking for a colour to wear for day or night.
5. L'oreal Paris True match Minerals foundation in Golden Ivory - I needed a lighter foundation for the days where I didn't feel like having a full face on and I think this one really fit the bill. Its a handy little pot where you just unscrew the lid and use the brush provided. It doesn't feel too cloggy on the skin and just gives a smooth finish.
6. Radox Berry Burst - My sister smelt this in the shop and told me to smell it and I'm glad I did, its heaven. If you live in England and get the sweets Maoam it smells just like the Strawberry one. I can't wait to use it.
7. Monster's High Scaris Frankie Stein - Okay I realise I'm a 20 year old girl and these are aimed at kids but seriously they are so cool. When I was a kid we only had Barbie's and later on the Bratz dolls. But when I saw this I had to get it, I don't care if its childish she is amazing.
Okay so that is my little haul, I'm sort of happy Summer is over and Autumn is coming (my favourite season).

I love getting new piercings and I really want my nose done either on the side or my septum. I like the really small thin rings but I know you have to wait till it is healed to change it. I'm still deciding what to do.
The new Dior ad's have been revealed and Jennifer Lawrence looks incredible. I'm happy she is wearing minimal makeup because she looks stunning. These are my favourite 2 pics of the campaign.
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