Onto my Favourites:
1. I managed to keep a few penny's so I could buy myself out of my old contract because basically my Blackberry was crap. I really wanted the IPhone 5 but it was discontinued and replaced with the 5C. At first I didn't particularly like the colours but I opted for the white one as I thought I wouldn't get bored of it. I've had it for about 3 weeks now and I love it. Compared to every other phone its faster and just overall better, I even like the white outside. Oh and of course I now have Instagram, you can add me my username is heather_r237
2. My sister did my nails but this time with square tips as we didn't have any of my usual stiletto tips to hand. We rounded the edges a bit so then weren't pointy and my sister used white powder to give this effect. I really like them and they are pretty easy to do stuff with but I will forever love my long stiletto nails.
3. Songs that I am loving include Lady Gaga ft. R.Kelly 'Do what you want' - This song is so catchy and if all of her songs on ARTPOP have to same kick to them as this I know I will love it when it is released in November. Also Slim Shady himself has done another collaboration with none other than Rihanna and its really good, go check out 'The Monster' now!
4. Rihanna again. She is back with her River Island Fall/Winter collection which includes floral, tartan and velvet. It is released on November 7th but you can pre-order now. I love this collection a lot, the high neck tops and long coats are perfection for a stylish but practical fashion for this time of year.
5. Trailers!! I'm a big fan of the superhero genre and I have watched most of the Marvel and DC films but this month 2 trailers have been released and they look epic. I will definitely be seeing them when they are released.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
X-Men: Days of Future Past
7. American Horror Story : Coven has taken over this month on the TV for me. The classic cast is back but with the inclusion of greats like Kathy Bates to join in on the witchy series. I am also so glad Taissa Farmiga is back as she wasn't in the last series Asylum. Her character along with Evan Peters will always be Tate and Violet to me. You will get what I mean if you watched season 1. I can't wait to see how it all pans out. I even bought a black hat inspired of this season because 'on Wednesdays we wear Black'.
8. Megan Fox did a photo shoot a few years ago where she wore a black wig and looked incredible. I am loving this look and is definitely something I am going to try when my hair gets longer.
9. Finally the ending of every October is of course Halloween!! I have never really celebrated it but this year my aunties friend was having a party and I was invited. I got a Black wig earlier in the day and did a smoky eye with a dripping red lip. I was going for a vampire look but I couldn't be arsed with the fangs. I had a really good time with some of my family and my friend Charley.
I'm on the far right, then my cousin then my friend
1. I had a cold for about 2 weeks and it was horrid. I still have a bit of a cough but thank god the worst of it is gone. As the weather is getting colder I hope I don't get anther one because that would ruin my favourite time of year.
2. My cat Bella has been missing for a few weeks now and I was pretty sure she was gone, but a few days ago we spotted her across the road. I am so happy she is ok but hopefully she will come home before it starts to snow.
That's it for October, November hopefully should be a good one!
My quote of the month: 'I'm not sure what I'll do, but - well,I want to go places and see people. I want my mind to grow. I want to live where things happen on a big scale'.
- F.Scott Fitzgerald
Till next time

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