Then after a week I got bored and wanted a change so for a brighter look I used mostly my Avon colours to add a sparkle to the tips after I painted them with a bright base.
My Left Hand:
My Right Hand:
As I am writing this one of my tips bent so I just soaked it all off and that was fine but the bow won't come off as it has double acrylic under it to help it stay on. Hopefully I can use a cotton bud/Q-Tip to get acetone under it so I can put on a new tip and have perfect nails again!

I also watched the season finale of Shameless us and I can't wait till January for the next season, so I've been filling the empty hole with other shows like The Walking Dead. I watched the first season in one night and so far I love it. I'm about 5 episodes into season 2 and even though I've really been that into horror or gore I think this show is great. Yes the zombies are horrid and disgusting but that's what makes it feel more realistic (if that's possible), I think it helps that I'm really into Special effects makeup so their easier to look at!
I'm planning on watching Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Revenge and Breaking Bad to fill my time. Oh and of course catching up on Dexter from season 4 onwards. So yeah hopefully I can get up to date with all of those programmes in the coming months.
Till next time
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