Tuesday, 2 July 2013

June Favourites

Wish I was here right now the weather in England at the moment is horrible.

This month has flown by I can't really believe we are half way through 2013 and only 5 months till Christmas. I better start stocking up on  presents. I haven't blogged at all this past month as I hit sort of a wall with lack of motivation to do anything. So don't worry you haven't missed anything.
I'm looking forward to July though, getting back to blogging and watching a list of films that I never got round to seeing when released.
Comment me with your plans for this month.


'If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different . . . I'd rather be completely f*cking mental'. - Angelina Jolie. Quote to live by.

Every year at the end of June I tend to enter a comatose'd state on the couch watching the wonderful Wimbledon. I'm kinda happy most of the big guns have been knocked out because then it gives the underdogs a chance to shine and maybe Andy Murray might even win!! (I have probably just jinxed us haha).

Teen Wolf is back, no not for us UK viewers because Sky need to pull their finger out their arse but over in America it has been back for 4 weeks. Of course I couldn't wait, after seeing all the gifs on Tumblr I had to stream it online and once you start by just watching the first episode you have to continue watching it every week. The inter-web loves to tease me with spoilers and I can't help myself. I have always been a huge Stiles fan and I still love him but a new love of mine has emerged, Issac Lahey. Played by the beautiful Brit Daniel Sharman his chiseled jaw and tall stature has me head over heels. He is my ideal man!

I saw the film Stoker after hearing really good reviews and I found it creepy and twisted but beautifully dark. I won't say too much here as I will be doing a review later this week.

Onto music, I love Neon Hitch's song 'Midnight Sun', her voice just draws you in I can tell she is going to have a huge career in the upcoming future. You can listen to that song here!
I also watched Mumford and Sons closing set at Glastonbury, it was incredible and I wish I was there. They were definitely my highlight of the festival. You have to watch their whole set here! Sorry it's not the best quality I couldn't find a better one on Youtube.

In June Leonardo DiCaprio's new trailer came out for the film The Wolf of Wall Street. It looks so good and actually really funny. I hope DiCaprio wins an Oscar soon or I will pull my hair out.

I also invested in a new Avon eyeliner this month which I love a lot. It is the Avon glimmerstick cosmic eyeliner in Moonlit Brown. I prefer Brown's right now over black's for the eye as I like it not so defined but a smoked out look. I recommend this eyeliner as it's long wearing and is so worth the money.It also has blue glitter specs for instant drama and an instant glam look.
Order online for yours now!

Ok so this isn't a favourite from June as I only saw it this morning but how good did Rihanna look today in Paris for a Chanel show. I love her hair this colour it suits her so much ahhh I'm in love. Why can't I look like that.

June Misses:

June wasn't too bad except the changing weather and the lack of funds. The only things I could think of is my lack of hair growth. It seems like it has come to a stand still it's extremely annoying. It's at a fluffy stage and doesn't want to sit in either direction. I can't wait till I can tie it up and curl it. I don't want it super long just a cute bob would be nice.
Also I am in very much need of an Iphone, my Blackberry's back button is starting to jam and I really am in need of Instagram. So if anyone would like to donate an Iphone to me that would be great haha!

Hope you all had a lovely month.
Till next time

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