Sunday, 13 January 2013

Friday Review: Silver Linings Playbook

Yes I realise today is not Friday and this blog post is very late. Too be honest I've been very lazy this week and couldn't be bothered, but now I can so here we go!!!

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Chris Tucker, Jacki Weaver

Plot: Former teacher Pat (Cooper) returns to live with his parents after spending 8 months in a mental institute. As he tries to get his wife back and prove to her that he has changed he meets Tiffany (Lawrence) who has problems of her own.

Rating: 18/R

                First of all I have been waiting to see this film for so long I just had a gut reaction that I would love this film. I have been a fan of Bradley Cooper for a while but this film I think propels him into the spotlight for a different reason and shows people he can really act. I really like his character Pat someone who has lost everything and is trying to find a silver lining in life and show that he can turn his life around. Even though as an audience member we can all start to see how delusional he is about the re-connection of him and his wife we still connect to his hope that everything will hopefully get better.
I loved his first scenes when he meets Tiffany, he is so blunt and has no filter. There were moments I couldn't help but have a giggle even though in the circumstances it would seem wrong, this film makes it ok because if you can't have a laugh in life when can you.
Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in this role, you believe she is Tiffany and she has had a hard road and maybe she doesn't feel she deserves something good but she is going to fight for her silver lining. Lawrence and Cooper have irresistible chemistry in this film, the way they look at each other is perfect. Just because people has problems does not mean we don't have the right to be happy and this message is clear throughout the whole film.
De Niro stars as Pat's father who is incredibly OCD about football and although wants his son to get better he is almost too wrapped up in his own obsessions to understand what his son is doing. De Niro was perfect in this, he was so good as was Weaver and Tucker. Everyone fits in this movie perfectly, they all belong and nothing feels out of place.
Some scenes will make you laugh and smile others will make to take a look at your own life and tear up about how real and how hard life can be. Be with your family and friends, stop and look at the signs, do something that makes you happy, do what feels right and stop judging others. This film will hopefully win a lot of awards because it deserves them and defiantly should get some Oscars. One of my favourites of the year!

A must see


Till next time

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