Thursday, 24 January 2013

Wednesday Update: Hair,Shoes!

Hello everyone not much news this week been in a bit of a down mood for some unknown reason, just been staying in the house as the weather has been horrid! It was lovely when it snowed at the weekend but on the news they were making out like we had some sort of blizzard when really it was only about 2cm! After that day of snow its basically just been cold and icy.

The view from outside my window.

I also dyed my hair like I said in a previous post I want my hair to be lighter so I bought a hair lightening kit and got my mum to do it. It did get my hair from a dark brown to a medium brown with some coppery highlights but I don't particularly like it. I'm undecided whether to just bleach my hair and keep toning it or keep getting highlights?? Ahh hair dilemmas!! 

I love this really light blonde colour/Miley Cyrus.
I love this colour its not as harsh a the pic before and the cut is cute/Scarlett Johansson

I love this light brown with the blonde highlights. I think this would be less harmful to my hair if I went down this route.

Rihanna has recently changed her hair, again! I loved her with the short black hair but she has decided to put the weave back in and gone for an ombre look.
I really like this on her its a lot softer and the length is perfect for those who want extensions without them looking fake.

I have found a new model called Gina Harrison through Tumblr and I love her platinum blonde hair and extreme makeup she has for shoots, she is actually stunning!

I found online some Jeffrey Campbell Lita Crown Black and Gold Boots. I know I'm a little behind the trend as everyone was loving the original about 2 years ago. These particular ones are about £120 so it will take me a while to purchase them!
Till next time lovelies

P.s. suggest things you want me to comment about or review :)

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